Top 10 SEO Lead Generation Tips

SEO Lead Generation

SEO Lead Generation

Here are some of our top SEO Lead Generation tips.  It’s one thing to get “Ranked #1” for a search term on Google, but it’s a whole other story to actually drive quality leads via SEO that convert into sales.

I’ll start this article with my own journey.  You’re here on our website reading this article because I decided to write some content focused on the keyword “SEO Lead Generation”.  This article is one of currently around 450 articles that I’ve written.

My biggest mistake was not writing SEO content earlier.  I initially started with Google Ads, which I still run.  But those Google Ads have really only ever driven around 8-15 deals per year for me.  And, since I’m primarily in the franchising niche, it’s been hard to really grow and expand via these Google Ads, even though we’re a PPC / SEO agency:

SEO Agency Results

SEO Agency Results

Compare this data above with what happened when in 2022 I started writing basically 1 article per day on my website.  I now usually drive 30-50 opportunities per month via SEO content versus around 10 per month via Google Ads.

SEO Content Agency

SEO Content Agency

I wish that I would have started doing this back in 2015 where I write 1 article per day instead of waiting 7 years to start taking advantage of SEO content generation, which has become even easier with the advent of AI.


Here are 10 SEO Lead Generation Tips:

SEO Lead Generation Tip #1: Write Content Daily

I have a Korean YouTube channel where I will upload fun family reaction videos, rap in Korean, or debate geopolitical concepts with other foreigners in Korean (for context, I’m a 6’6″ white guy from Texas).  And, a major takeaway for me was that if I wanted to grow my channel, I had to publish content consistently.  As I’m sought to apply this to my website and business, I’ve found that basically writing 1 article per day does the trick.  I usually time block it in the morning so that I knock it out while my mind is still fresh.

SEO Lead Generation Tip #2: Choose Keywords From Google Search Console

The way that I find my keywords is by using Google Search Console.  I like it better than Google Analytics because it shows me Search Impressions, not just Search Clicks.  So, it helps me identify keywords that I may not be getting any clicks from but that Google has notified me that I’m ranked somewhere in the top 10 pages.  Usually this is a signal for me that if I write an article on that subject, I can move from page 8-10 to pages 1-4.

SEO Lead Generation Tip #3: Don’t Do Link Building

I know this sounds counter-intuitive, but I do zero SEO link building. I think it’s shady and that it can hurt you more than it can help you.  If you create content regularly that people like and submit that content to Google Search Console for indexing right after you make it, then that’s enough.  Trust that Google will start sending you free impressions and clicks within a couple of days of posting it.

SEO Lead Generation Tip #4: URL Permalink Structure Matters

I see a lot of people mess up their permalinks a lot.  You really want for the url of your article to match the keyword that you’re going after.  Take this article for instance.  I chose to go after:


For me, my category here is “seo” and the keyword is “seo lead generation”.  What I DON’T want for my url structure to be is something that is the title of my article like:


If I made this my url structure, I would rank high for “Top 10 SEO Lead Generation Tips”.  But, that’s not what I’m trying to rank for.

SEO Lead Generation Tip #5: Use Exit Pop-Ups

I like exit pop-ups a lot.  If you’re on a desktop computer and you take your mouse and move it as if you’re going to try to go to a different tab or close this page, then a big pop-up will appear.  I get a lot of leads from this.  I use Unbounce for this feature.

SEO Lead Generation Tip #6: Use Sticky Tabs

You may also notice that at the top of this page, after about a 3-5 second delay a little bar will appear for you to enter your email address.  I probably get about half of my leads this way.  This is also a feature that I use Unbounce to achieve.

SEO Lead Generation Tip #7: Don’t Over Think It

I have a lot of friends who get so bogged down that they never really publish anything on their website.  The biggest mistake you can make is doing nothing.  Even if you botch it, writing content that isn’t even that good is better than not writing any content at all.

SEO Lead Generation Tip #8: Use WordPress

If your website is built in something like Wix, PHP, Shopify or whatever else and you’re not an E-Commerce business, you should have your website migrated to WordPress.  It’s extremely difficult to rank high using SEO content creation without a Content Management System (CMS) like WordPress.

SEO Lead Generation Tip #9: Have Realistic Expectations

Until you get to around 100 articles and you’ve been doing it for 6 months, you may not see many leads come through.  Be patient with it, and just put your head down and keep writing better and better content until those leads start pouring in.

SEO Lead Generation Tip #10: Hire An Agency

If you realize the importance of doing SEO content creation but you don’t want to spend the time doing it yourself, we can help you.  Feel free to reach out and we can make sure that you are consistently publishing content to your website and driving those free leads you are looking for.


If you need help with your SEO advertising needs, please fill out our Contact Us form.  Thanks!