What Is Franchise Sales? (And A List Of The Top Providers)

What Is Franchise Sales

What Is Franchise Sales

The definition of the term “Franchise Sales” is the process by which franchisors attract and onboard new franchisees into their franchise system.  The term is synonymous with “Franchise Development Sales” and “Franchise Recruitment”.

Franchise sales are typically handled by franchise development representatives (or “fran dev reps”).  These individuals may be hired directly by the franchisor, or be outsourced to a franchise broker or Franchise Sales Organization (FSO).  Franchise development reps, franchise brokers, and FSOs typically get a large percentage of the initial franchise fee for onboarding the new franchisee.

We try to keep this list as up to date as possible by updating our top recommended list of companies that help in various capacities with franchise sales.  Hopefully this information is helpful to you in some way.


Top Franchise Broker Networks:

Here is a list of some of the top franchise broker networks:

Top Franchise Broker Networks

Top Franchise Broker Networks


Top Franchise Sales Organizations (FSOs) For 2025:

Here is a list of who we consider to be the FSOs.  These tend to shift over the years, so we try to keep them up to date so that you know who are currently the best FSOs to engage with:

Top Franchise Sales Organizations 2025

Top Franchise Sales Organizations 2025

Some of these Franchise Sales Organization rankings has shifted around quite a bit over the past year.  If you can afford the price tag, Franchise Fast Lane is probably the best performing FSO.  And, they recently acquired Rain Tree, so those two FSOs are pretty similar.

If you’re looking for an FSO that doesn’t require or even use Franchise Broker Networks and is the most affordable, that’s going to be us here at Lead PPC.  We have the lowest monthly retainers and have been driving franchise leads and franchise sales since 2010, and we’ve also helped manage over $35,000,000 in ad spend within the franchising space which amounts to 3,000+ deals closed so if you want help selling more franchise units via Google Ads and Meta Ads, we’re as good as it gets.


Top Franchise Marketing Agencies For 2024:

As a franchise marketing agency ourselves, here’s our take on who the top franchise marketing agencies are.  Some of the new additions for 2024 include Brand Journalist, Franchise Marketing Systems, and Accurate Franchising. 

Top 30 Franchise Marketing Agencies 2024

Top 30 Franchise Marketing Agencies 2024


A Deep Dive Into Franchise Sales

Franchise sales is a type of business transaction where one party (the franchisor) grants another party (the franchisee) the right to use their brand, trademarks, and other related intellectual property. This agreement also includes the payment of an initial fee in exchange of using the logo and name of the franchisor, as well as other associated services. The term “franchise” has become widely used over recent decades and is often used to refer to any form of business partnership that involves a franchisor and a franchisee.

The main goal of franchise sales is two-fold: to give entrepreneurs access to an established brand while providing a more secure business opportunity to potential franchisees than if they were to start their own business from scratch. As a result, it can be seen as a win-win situation for both parties involved in the agreement.

By entering into a franchise agreement, the franchisor gains access to the capital provided by their partner and benefits from increased market penetration for their products or services. Franchisees, on the other hand, gain control over how they will manage their business and benefit from an already established brand name without having to invest heavily in marketing and advertising efforts.

In order for both parties to realize maximum benefits from their relationship there needs to be clear communication between both sides regarding all aspects of running the business. This means that both parties need to understand each others’ expectations regarding things such as pricing policies, delivery timescales and customer service standards. The franchising contract should also specify what level of support is expected from either side throughout the duration of the agreement.

The initial cost for entering into a franchise agreement can vary depending on factors such as geographical location and industry sector but typically ranges anywhere between $30,000-$50,000 USD for start-up costs alone. Other costs associated with becoming part of a franchise include ongoing fees (such as royalties) which are often based on gross profits or sales revenue generated by each individual store owned by the franchisee. These fees are designed to cover various expenses such as marketing materials and training costs incurred by the franchisor throughout each year – these fees are usually calculated monthly or yearly depending upon how often you would like them invoiced.

In addition to this upfront cost there are also ongoing managerial obligations which must be met by both parties in order for the relationship between them to remain successful long-term. Some examples include financial reporting requirements (such as income statements), compliance with local laws/regulations pertaining specifically towards franchises, adherence to quality assurance standards set out by management systems etc… In most cases it is worth investing in professional advice/support when setting up your franchise agreement as this will help ensure everything runs smoothly in future operations.

For any prospective entrepreneur looking at buying into an existing franchisee it is important that they do their due diligence before signing any contracts – this includes researching similar businesses in your local area so that you can get an accurate representation of what success may look like if you decide go ahead with it; understanding exactly what your rights are under local legislation when it comes down disputes resolution; checking out reviews across multiple third-party websites about existing franchises including those already owned by a current franchisee; and lastly, it is always important to speak with other franchisees in order to get an understanding of the day-to-day operations being faced when running a business.

Overall, Franchise Sales has become an increasingly popular way for entrepreneurs to expand their business ideas and access new markets without having to invest heavily into marketing or research & development costs. By entering into such agreements both franchisor and franchisee benefit from reduced risk when compared against starting up independently – however this does not mean that due diligence should be ignored during the process as there are still plenty of pitfalls which can arise if things aren’t managed correctly. Ultimately, provided both parties understand each others’ expectations going into the agreement.


Need Help?

If you would like to speak with us about potentially having us help drive quality franchise leads for your franchise please fill out our Contact Us form.

We are a boutique franchise marketing agency / franchise ad agency that specializes in franchise marketing and franchise advertising via PPC (Google Ads + Meta Ads).

Additionally, if you need help with franchise sales or with finding a solid franchise broker, we would be more than happy to share our opinions with you on the subject.  Thanks!


Video Transcript

Hi there! And welcome to our website or YouTube channel. My name is Grant James. I am the founder of Lead PPC. This is an article that has really started to rank a lot on Google, so I’m just gonna do a video. That kind of talks through things a little bit more detail the video or the article has to do with what is franchise sales and also has a list of top providers. Obviously franchise sales is this is one of those expressions people type into Google lot so it gets a lot of search terms, a lot of search traffic, but franchise sales is basically just selling franchises. It’s also called franchise development sales. There are lots of different groups that work in the space, everything from brokers to consultants to franchise sales organizations and all those types of groups. So in this article probably one of the reasons why it ranks pretty well because actually break down some different groups and it’s pretty helpful information. So here are what we consider. I consider to be some of the top franchise broker networks out there.

I’m going to say number one is going to be IFPG stands for International Franchise Professionals Group. A lot of our clients use them. FBA is very reputable franchise broker association, trans world. If you’re looking for a lot of growth internationally, I think they’re probably the best one at that Fran Serve. A lot of people use Fran Serve. It’s very. Economical. They have a huge amount of brokers that work in their network. We’ve done a lot of stuff with them over the years. I really like them a good combination. A lot of people use well as IFPG in Fran Serve. We also have the entrepreneur source Fran. Net keep in mind the entrepreneur source does not like to be called brokers. They like to be called co franchise coaches, I think FCC, which is the franchise consulting company. It’s a little bit beyond just consulting. They do do FSO types of services, Fran Choice B. A. I.

A lot of groups use them Fran Save the U Network, Global Franchise Network and I think it’s T. F. I so these are some to take a look at. Usually people will use an agency like ourselves and you usually have an ad budget. That’s somewhere between around 1500 dollars a month up to let’s say you know, kind of up to around 5 or $6,000 a month is kind of the range of most franchise franchises do, although some groups will do a lot more 20 to $75,000 a month, but that’s more on the rare side of things. Usually people will have a smaller ad budget with Google and Facebook with a group like us and then they’ll choose between 03:59 franchise broker networks and that’s where they get there of the install take. Usually work with us first start generating easy leaves, start closing some deals take. Profits from there and go hire a couple broker networks that’s very common.

The other thing to be aware of is FSOs franchise sales organizations. Some of the ones that we like a lot. Raintree is really good, pinnacle Franchise Evolution, really like these guys a lot. I may be my number one right now the revenue catalyst United Franchise Group. There are a couple of these that as you actually want a part of your business so they really partner with you is not just like someone you hire that’s going to be UFG United Franchise Group, Rhino 7, Oakscale  I think maybe Franchise Performance Group, but I’m not sure then we also franchise Beacon and Fran Smart so and another one to know up is rep them which is not on this list. They’re really doing some cool things as well, so those are some to be aware of them in a franchise um, sales organization as a group that you hire so that you don’t have to have an in house staff to process leads.

So you’re a lot of times you have leads coming in from an agency like ourselves and a broker network and then you’re also working with like an FSO and I would say maybe 1/3 of our clients use FSOs and then the other ones just having in house staff also have some more information here on kind of a deep dive into franchise sales. You can kind of check that out. If it is something that you’re interested in you know, talking with us and and perhaps working with us as an agency, just go to this contact us section. You can fill things out and you know some of the different brands have worked with over the years and we’ll hop on a call and kind of discuss things from there. But thank you so much.