5 Keys to Senior Care Pay Per Click
Need help with Senior Care Pay Per Click? Everyone is interested in getting more age and financially qualified leads for their Senior Care or Assisted Living centers. But actually getting these leads is another story. Many ad agencies can get clicks but they don’t actually produce a lot of clients.
I know if you could find a way to use online marketing to get consistent qualified leads at a reasonable cost per lead you would invest in and scale your marketing efforts in this direction. To help you in your search here are 5 keys to look for when hiring an ad agency to drive leads your way through Pay-Per-Click advertising.
1. Find an Agency That Focuses on Cost-Per-Lead
Some firms will focus only on the amount you spend for a display ad click or for targeted competitive key words clicks and although these costs matter, what matters more is that these clicks are effective. It is one thing to practice but practicing the wrong things just makes you better at slicing that golf ball rather than driving it nice a straight. Effective agencies not only help you get clicks but the help you get leads at competitive rate. Generally, assisted living providers can expect to spend $431 per lead. So, make sure that you find a firm that focuses on these cost-per-lead because that is the most important number. This is especially important when it comes to Senior Care Pay Per Click.
2. Use an Agency That Focuses on Qualified Leads
Generally speaking it is easy to get clicks on ads but it is more difficult to get interest from individuals who are age and income qualified to become clients. Make sure as an assisted living or senior care provider that you find a marketing firm that is not just interested in giving you volume but also in targeting geographic regions, age groups, and incomes that will become qualified Leads.
One way to do this is to build an effective keyword list. One of the errors paid ad marketers do is to bid on irrelevant in ineffective keywords. They do this thinking that the more words the better to beat out competitors but many of these keywords do nothing to generate traffic and if they do it is not the kind of traffic that creates qualified leads.
A good keyword list not only contains relevant terms but also words that actually convert traffic These sort of keyword lists get you the most bang for your buck by only paying for words that create new clients
3. Hire a Firm That Makes Their Own Landing Pages
You do not want to drive your clicks from your Senior Care Pay Per Click to your SEO optimized website. These websites are designed to give people an experience and explore. Landing pages on the other hand are clean and simple with no external navigation. They are both mobile and desktop responsive and they gather the relevant lead information – name, email, phone number in a simple noninvasive way. Since they are so clean and so singular in purpose, they are able to convert clicks to calls at a much higher rate. Look for a conversion of clicks to calls at about a 25-35% rate. Additionally, seeking to convert calls to clients at a 1 in 4 to 1 in 7 range will insure that your cost-per-client is reasonable which will allow you to bid on keywords that are more expensive because the rest of your process is working efficiently.
4. Employ a Firm That Protects Your Campaign with Negative Keywords
A negative keyword sounds like something you don’t want in your campaign, but the opposite is true. When your ad manager plugs in negative keywords into your campaign in makes it so that your paid ad does not show up when those words are typed into a search engine. For example, you don’t want to waste advertising money on some kid who is just doing a report on assisted living so you can craft negative keywords to protect your ads from coming up in that situation. Also, you can preserve your brand integrity by making sure that your ad does not come up associated with search terms like corruption or scandal.
5. Hire a Firm That Will Create Ads That Compliment Your Site.
The length restrictions of a paid ad will never be able to adequately do justice your ability to assist clients or answer all their questions. But your paid ads can be written in a way that entices potential clients to learn more from your long-form content site. They can, if written correctly work hand in hand in creating curiosity and leading to conversion.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out. We’d love to help.
Video Transcript
Hi there! And welcome to our website leadppc.com. PPC stands for pay per click so this is all about senior care paper click, which is really important because more and more if you do have some type of assisted living senior care facility making sure that you are doing at least some advertising in that space can be really important. One of the really important things to remember about senior care because you have places like you know, things like a place for mom. Those types of services that exist where you’re, you know, hiring people to bring in a certain amount of new patients or people are gonna stay in those facilities. It’s important to know kind of what that baseline cost is for you. Is it like $3,000, $5,000, $8,000 like what are you paying to generate that? And that’s kind of the benchmark that’ you want to beat with with paper click and you want to make sure that you have your own pipeline that drives these things regardless of whatever happens with your other lead sources.
Anytime you have multiple kind of like sticks in the fire, then that is an advantage with any business. I mean for ourselves. 80 percent of our customers comfort referrals, but those initial 20 percent that drove them almost all come from Google, so people are on Google ads and their type. Again you know variety of different types of things are related to pay per click, but when those. People come in. They generate about 5 times more revenue from other you know referral types of situations and that’s similar to senior care. Assisted living is that don’t negate the fact that you need that initial fire fire starter in order to get the word out to more people. A couple of just tips here one is find an agency the focuses on cost per lead and I would also say you know cost per sale leads are great and you definitely need to know what your cost per lead is for paper click, but you also need to know what your conversion rate is into a sale and I know that can be a bit of a process through.
People come again and you do showings and all that type of stuff, but the better you can get attracting over time. With that the more successful that you’ll be a lot of times. You don’t need to be spending like a crazy amount of money, but you need to have enough budget in there that you can kind of make sure that you know kind of what’s what how everything is performing using agency that focuses on quality leads. Having junk leads is just going to frustrate everybody. Another space. We do a lot of work and is the franchising space of selling franchises and similar to places like A Place for Mom. There’s this called Franchise Broker Networks and it cost about $25,000 to get a sale.
Through there, whereas ours is like between 5 to $12,000 cost per sale. So but if you’re not driving the right types of leads, then you’ll never get a good cost for sale that can compare against the other stuff to to be able to scale online. So um the quality over quantity every time, but it is parts of it are always a number game numbers game but those bookings are key with the system living um higher firm that makes your own landing pages. You need to make sure that you have a firm that can go in and make edits and split test and try to revamp and move things around with web forms and and be able to work on those things. And if you control everything in house, then that can be hard to get those teams talking. Whereas most paper click agencies that do a lot of lead generation like we do with lead PPC, we take complete ownership of that whole process from the landing pages to the CRM integrations to the tracking to you know everything from the ads to we really want to know all the way to sale what is kind of occurring there.
Number 4 to number 4 employer firm that protect your campaigns with negative keywords. This is really important. I want to make sure you have an agency that is doing a lot of active management for us. It’s one of our processes as we go through. We make sure that we look through all of the search terms that have happened within the given time period and we’ll pull out stuff that doesn’t make sense. If it’s something we’re not sure on like a competitor term or something that we may bring it up to you, and then we Mark what those are. We add those as negatives if you really careful that you don’t have too much that it negates your core stuff, so there’s kind of like some trade offs with how you do negative keywords, but it’s really important even for ourselves.
I think my main campaigns for Lee Generation we have like I like 400 or 500 negative terms and those are things you just build up over time, higher firm that will create ads that complement your sight, so you want to make sure that just everything has is on brand for that feeling that you’re trying to give in each each assist of living facility is different. So anyway, if you’d like to hop on a call um, you can just call us here at 8. 3. 3 lead PPC or go to contact us and fill out the form and books directly on to probably my calendar. We kind of talk to things, but thanks so much for coming to our site and we hope to talk to you soon.
Entrepreneur with a focus on Lead Generation, Google Adwords, Bing Ads, and Conversion.
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