Top 10 Franchise Sales Outsourcing Companies

Top 10 Franchise Sales Outsourcing Companies

Top 10 Franchise Sales Outsourcing Companies


If you’re looking for a Franchise Sales Outsourcing company, there are many to choose from.  Within the franchising industry, these are often referred to as “Franchise Sales Organizations” or “FSOs”.

This article seeks to identify who the various franchise sales outsourcing companies are so that you can narrow down the right one for your franchise system.

High level, below is a list of what we consider to be the top 10 franchise sales outsourcing companies:

Franchise Sales Organizations

Franchise Sales Organizations

In-depth Breakdown

We have another article that goes into detail on each of these Franchise Sales Organizations.  I would highly consider taking a look at that article because it contains a lot of nuances within it that we can’t really dive into in this article here.

How to Choose the Right Franchise Sales Outsourcing Organization for Your Needs

Choosing the right franchise sales outsourcing organization can be a daunting task. It’s important to do your research and ensure that you are selecting an experienced, reliable partner that understands your goals and objectives. Before making any decisions about which franchise sales organization to work with, consider the following factors:

#1 – Experience and Expertise

The best franchise sales outsourcing organizations will have extensive experience in the industry, providing top-notch customer service to clients of all sizes. Look for organizations with a proven track record of success and review client testimonials before making your decision.

#2 – Services Provided

Ask potential outsourcing partners what services they provide and determine whether they meet all of your needs. Are they able to handle How to Choose the Right Franchise Sales Outsourcing Organization for Your Needs? Are they experienced in helping franchises select the best locations and develop marketing plans? Do they help with recruiting and onboarding new franchisees?

#3 – Cost

Outsourcing can be an expensive endeavor, but you want to make sure that you are getting your money’s worth. Ask potential organizations for their rates and compare them to other vendors in the industry.

#4 – Communication

It is extremely important that outsourcing partners communicate effectively with each other throughout the entire process. Make sure that all parties are on the same page about expectations and deadlines, as well as any changes or updates to the project.

#5 – Flexibility

Choosing a franchise sales outsourcing organization that can adjust to your needs is essential. Look for companies that offer scalable services and are able to adapt as your needs change.

By taking the time to do your research, you can ensure that you choose the right franchise sales outsourcing organization for your needs. Ask questions and thoroughly evaluate each potential partner before making a decision. With the right partner, you can be sure that your franchise sales goals will be met in an efficient and cost-effective manner.


Need Help?

While franchise sales is not a service that we offer, we do provide franchise lead generation for many of the Franchise Sales Organizations listed above.  If you would like to hop on a quick call to discuss your needs regarding franchise leads, please go to our Contact Us page and schedule a call online with us there.  Thanks!

We are a boutique franchise marketing agency / franchise ad agency that specializes in franchise marketing and franchise advertising via PPC (Google Ads + Meta Ads).

Additionally, if you need help with franchise sales or with finding a solid franchise broker, we would be more than happy to share our opinions with you on the subject.  Thanks!


Video Transcript

Hello there and welcome to our website here at Lead PPC. My name is Grant James and I just kind of wanted to talk you through this article that you’re probably reading on our website right now, which has a do with top 10 franchise sales outsourcing companies. There’s actually an industry term that’s used for this. I know a lot of people search for this term and those article rinks for that, but usually we call them fso’s franchise sales organizations. Some of those people will say franchise sales outsourcing companies, but it’s all the same and they’re basically these different companies that you can hire so that you don’t have to. Just every so every franchise out there doesn’t have to build up their whole franchise sales team a lot of times, especially with emerging brands. Things are pretty lean. You’re just kind of you need a support team for the existing franchisees. You like to have some type of a profit.

You need some marketing and sales sometimes can be very expensive and hard to scale, and you may have someone that maybe you have turnover or they get a different job or like whatever happens. So a lot of times people end up turning to these FSOs we work with quite a few of them. I’m gonna walk you through who I feel like are some of the best ones out there and some of the information I know about them, the groups that I know. Personally would be Raintree, Pinnacle, Franchise Evolution or FranEp, Revenue Catalyst UFG. I don’t really know Rhino 7 very well. I don’t think I know Franchise Performance Group, I do know Oakscale and I’ve had some conversations with Frank Smart. I don’t think I’ve ever talked about Franchise Beacon, but these are definitely ones to be aware of, even if I don’t necessarily have a relationship with them, but another one that’s not on this list is REP’M.  I would say my favorites right now like today are probably Franap along with REP’M. I also like Raintree a lot.

Raintree we worked with for 8 or 9 years and then they just got bought by Private Equity and the Private Equity group said they had to take all of their marketing in house so we don’t work with them anymore, but we’ve done a lot of brands with them over the years. I really like Brent and Lynton. They’re fantastic, especially if you have some type of a quick serve restaurant franchise. I feel like they’re really good at restaurant stuff, anything with food, some home service stuff, and dog type of brands which there seems to be more of those. Pinnacle is pretty good. I we’ve done some stuff with them off and on over the years they’d be one to consider frame up and rep them or both. I think experiencing a lot of growth. Great people. They really know what. They’re doing, they’re on the ball really like these guys a lot revenue catalysts.

These guys have been doing some cool things. I’m gonna jump over to the UFG and Rhino 7 along with Oak scale. These ones are ones that they take 1% of your company and a maybe franchise performance group does as well, but literally a lot of times they want to own like 01:35 percent of your company. They may even go buy your company from you um, so if you’re not looking to give up equity, maybe not the best partner, but if you don’t care and you want to partner with somebody and just ham that off and you want more owners in your company than you know. Some of these can grow a lot. UFG friends and some of their brands will get several hundred and even some of them several thousand units and they put a lot of funds behind it. Just make it happen. I don’t know franchise beacon franchise France Mark very well, but they do show up on different searches. I’ve been to their sites and they be other ones to consider, but I kind of stick toward maybe the higher part of the list.

If I were you let’s see. I do have another article just on franchise sales organization. You click on this link right there that can take you there. I also have some information about how to choose the right franchise sales organization, some of. Its you know, kind of generic as far as experience and expertise, the biggest thing is just niche. You may want to go look up these different groups and see what their existing brands are, because if they if you’re doing home service franchise stuff and they’ve never done that before or an education franchise and they’ve never done that before and that can be a big deal. Especially because behind the scenes that’s a bunch of reps who are selling those brands on your behalf a little more intense than a broker network because they’re basically outsource like an agency for you, so you want to make sure that that whole team really knows has already had experience selling your type of a brand. Also take a look at kind of what other services are provided. Some of these groups do some other things like marketing who I have you as well, but most of them pretty sales centric.

Um, look at the cost, some of them charge, take a bigger chunk of the management theme, some don’t as far as cost go. Also remember when you work with an FSO I mean a big chunk of our book of business is working with FSOs and that’s because they have multi brands and need a lot of leads and high quality leads. They don’t like portals and they can’t just live off a broker network leads because then people are paying double, so what do they do they partner? With agencies were like the best agency app paper click marketing through Google ads, Facebook ads so they end up working with groups like us. So just know that these groups are gonna push you to work with agencies to drive leads through Google and Facebook and they’re also going to work with franchise broker networks so just know that they’re not just going to create leads out of the out of thin air.

They need stuff off the internet because more well over half of the franchise sales I say is probably closer to like 70 percent of all deals now come from online so just kind of keep that in mind. Also want to make sure you have good communication and flexibility. You also want a group that doesn’t have too many brands, a lot of FSOs I was really only have like 3 to 15 brands that they do and even the ones that end up getting 15 or 20 a lot of times they’ll cut some of them and get back to like 5 to 10 that they’re really selling. Well, if you do need help, feel free to reach out. You can call us here at A33 lead PPC. You’ll probably talk with me or click on the contact us button up here, fill out the form and you can actually book account an appointment right on my Calendly if you like as well and we can talk as soon as manana or you can just call us now, thanks so much! Hopefully this article has been helpful for you and hope to talk to you soon.